الخميس، 21 نوفمبر 2013
11:21 ص

كود أنشاء لعبة بسيطة لعبة بلغة ++C

اول موضوع عن لغة البرمجة  <<<<< أنشاء لعبة بسيطة >>>> بلغة السي بلاس بلاس
قبل تعلم اساسيات اللغة التي ربما نشرحها في مواضيع القادمة على صفحة في الفيسبوك
- لعبة حجر ورقة مقص -
الكود :
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
enum objectType { ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS };
//Function prototypes
void displayRules();
objectType retrievePlay(char selection);
bool validSelection(char selection);
void convertEnum(objectType object);
objectType winningObject(objectType play1, objectType play2);
void gameResult(objectType play1, objectType play2, int& winner);
void displayResults(int gCount, int wCount1, int wCount2);
int main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
//Step 1
int gameCount; //variable to store the number of

//games played

int winCount1; //variable to store the number of games

//won by player 1

int winCount2; //variable to store the number of games

//won by player 2
int gamewinner;

char response; //variable to get the user's response to
//play the game
char selection1;
char selection2;
objectType play1; //player1's selection
objectType play2; //player2's selection
//Initialize variables; Step 2
gameCount = 0;

winCount1 = 0;

winCount2 = 0;

displayRules(); //Step 3

cout << "Enter Y/y to play the game: "; //Step 4

cin >> response; //Step 5

cout << endl;

while (response == 'Y' || response == 'y') //Step 6


cout << "Player 1 enter your choice: "; //Step 6a

cin >> selection1; //Step 6b

cout << endl;

cout << "Player 2 enter your choice: "; //Step 6c

cin >> selection2; //Step 6d

cout << endl;

//Step 6e

if (validSelection(selection1)

&& validSelection(selection2))


play1 = retrievePlay(selection1);

play2 = retrievePlay(selection2);

gameCount++; //Step 6e.i

gameResult(play1, play2, gamewinner); //Step 6e.ii

if (gamewinner == 1) //Step 6e.iii


else if (gamewinner == 2)


}//end if

cout << "Enter Y/y to play the game: "; //Step 6f

cin >> response; //Step 6g

cout << endl;

}//end while

displayResults(gameCount, winCount1,

winCount2); //Step 7

return 0;

}//end main

void displayRules()


cout << " Welcome to the game of Rock, Paper, "

<< "and Scissors." << endl;

cout << " This is a game for two players. For each "

<< "game, each" << endl;

cout << " player selects one of the objects Rock, "

<< "Paper, or Scissors." << endl;

cout << " The rules for winning the game are: " << endl;

cout << "1. If both players select the same object, it "

<< "is a tie." << endl;

cout << "2. Rock breaks Scissors: So player who selects "

<< "Rock wins." << endl;

cout << "3. Paper covers Rock: So player who selects "

<< "Paper wins." << endl;

cout << "4. Scissors cuts Paper: So player who selects "

<< "Scissors wins." << endl << endl;

cout << "Enter R or r to select Rock, P or p to select "

<< "Paper, and S or s to select Scissors." << endl;


bool validSelection(char selection)


switch (selection)


case 'R':

case 'r':

case 'P':

case 'p':

case 'S':

case 's':

return true;


return false;



objectType retrievePlay(char selection)


objectType object;

switch (selection)


case 'R':

case 'r':

object = ROCK;


case 'P':

case 'p':

object = PAPER;


case 'S':

case 's':

object = SCISSORS;


return object;

void gameResult(objectType play1, objectType play2,

int& winner)


objectType winnerObject;

if (play1 == play2)


winner = 0;

cout << "Both players selected ";


cout << ". This game is a tie." << endl;




winnerObject = winningObject(play1, play2);

//Output each player's choice

cout << "Player 1 selected ";


cout << " and player 2 selected ";


cout << ". ";

//Decide the winner

if (play1 == winnerObject)

winner = 1;

else if (play2 == winnerObject)

winner = 2;

//Output the winner

cout << "Player " << winner << " wins this game."

<< endl;



void convertEnum(objectType object)


switch (object)


case ROCK:

cout << "Rock";


case PAPER:

cout << "Paper";



cout << "Scissors";



objectType winningObject(objectType play1, objectType play2)


if ((play1 == ROCK && play2 == SCISSORS) || (play2 == ROCK && play1 == SCISSORS))

return ROCK;

else if ((play1 == ROCK && play2 == PAPER) || (play2 == ROCK && play1 == PAPER))

return PAPER;


return SCISSORS;


void displayResults(int gCount, int wCount1, int wCount2)


cout << "The total number of plays: " << gCount

<< endl;

cout << "The number of plays won by player 1: "

<< wCount1 << endl;

cout << "The number of plays won by player 2: "

<< wCount2 << endl;


2 التعليقات:

  1. اريد الكود باستخدام linked lists

  2. :)) مشكلة اللعبة هذي الكود طويل وهي لعبة سهلة
    اخوي لكي تكون مبرمج شاطر
    حاول قدر الامكان توفير اكبر مساحة من الذاكرة
